Thursday, October 15, 2009


Zafar H. Ismail

Prepared by Social Policy and Development Centre In collaboration with Aga Khan Foundation (Pakistan) and Center for Civil Society, Johns Hopkins University, USA 2002

This is one of a series of Working Papers being produced by the Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC) as part of an international research initiative -the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project pearheaded by the Centre for Civil Society Studies, Johns Hopkins University, USA. In Pakistan, this study is being undertaken by SPDC in collaboration with the Aga Khan Foundation (Pakistan). The objectives of this study are to: document the size, scope, internal structure, finance and legal position of the nonprofit sector in the country; examine the relations between the nonprofit sector and government and identify the ways in

which this relationship can be improved; to improve public awareness of this sector; and provide a more reliable basis for designing policies toward it. The essential rationale for this study is to accelerate the maturation of nonprofit sector by providing comprehensive information and analysis about the dimensions of the sector. The study will also provide the first true baseline of the sector. The Working Papers provide a vehicle for the initial dissemination of the work of the project to a wide range of audience including policy makers, scholars, development practitioners, policy analysts, international donor organizations and country-wide or regional nonprofit organizations. Working Papers are intermediary products, and

they are released in the interest of timely distribution of Project results to stimulate scholarly discussion, and to inform policy debates.

The study has been supported by Aga Khan Foundation (Pakistan). The Foundation’s support for this study builds upon AKF’s own programmatic interest in strengthening civil society and building human capacity in Pakistan. The study has been funded through the Pakistan-Canada Social Institutions Development Programme, which is supported generously by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Aga Khan Foundation Canada. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through a grant to the Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. under the Pakistan NGO Initiative, has funded the support received from the Johns Hopkins University. We are pleased to be able to make the early results of this project available in this form and welcome comments and inquiries about this paper or the project as a whole.

Dr. Kaiser Bengali

Acting Managing Director

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