Saturday, October 17, 2009

2,500 walk to help end global poverty

CHICAGO: Over 2,500 participated in the Chicago Partnership Walk last week. This event is held annually in major cities across the US at the initiative of Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. (AKF USA) to raise awareness and funds to alleviate global poverty and promote partnership between America and the developing world. 
Held at Montrose Harbor in Chicago, Partnership Walk brought together families, friends, students and leaders in government, business and media for a day of learning activities, fundraising and culturally diverse performances. Teams from corporations, universities, schools and community organizations demonstrated their solidarity to take a step at ending global poverty.
The Chicago Partnership Walk raised $250,000.  All the funds raised at Partnership Walk go directly to the projects supported by the Foundation. The cost of organizing the Walk is completely underwritten by AKF USA and in-kind contributors. No contributions are used for administrative costs. Since 1995, PartnershipsInAction events have attracted over 280,000 participants, raising $32 million.
This year marks the 15th year for Partnership Walk and nationwide over 30,000 are expected to participate in the Walk in nine cities, including Atlanta, Birmingham, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis, Orlando and San Francisco.
Addressing the theme of education, Illinois State Representative Elaine Nekritz observed, "It is much more than traditional primary and secondary education; much more than obtaining a university or advanced degree. For the Foundation, it includes basic literacy, training new teachers and designing curriculum to promote cross-cultural understanding.  It also includes early childhood education.  I am proud that the State of Illinois joins with the Foundation in stressing the importance of early childhood." 
The opening program featured lively entertainment celebrating the diversity of world cultures.
Aga Khan Foundation's education programs bring to light the power of partnerships and reflect the Foundation's enduring commitment to education. Many of the Aga Khan Foundation's programs in East Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan have been supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development and others.  For over a quarter century, Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. has worked in the developing world in the areas of health, education, rural development, civil society and the environment. These efforts equip people with life-long skills to overcome poverty and embrace the time-tested principle of helping people to help themselves.
Dr. Eboo Patel, Executive Director of the Interfaith Youth Core, a member on the AKF USA National Committee, noted in the keynote address at the opening ceremony: "The people in front of me today are the bridge builders. We follow in the vision of this man [His Highness the Aga Khan] who has dreamed of a world of bridges-bridges of hope, bridges of cooperation, bridges between people. We are building the arch so that other people can get to the other side. … The other side is the future.
The other side is a world in which five-year-olds everywhere from Afghanistan to Alaska are excited about school, a world in which nurses and doctors every where can save the lives of people who come to their hospitals, a world in which business people everywhere, whether they're in Kabul, Karachi or Kansas, have the tools in front of them to begin their own businesses, to create a life for themselves and their families that they can be proud of, that they feel is dignified."
AKF USA, established in 1981, is a private, non-denominational, non-profit international development organization committed to alleviating poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy.  The Foundation presently supports over 100 programs in 18 countries for the common good of all citizens regardless of their gender, origin or religion.  The geographic focus of the Foundation's development programs is in East Africa and South and Central Asia.
- Mohammad Ghouse
India Post News Service

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